Precision Dental Care Blog

A Cosmetic Question: Can I Still Get Cavities with Veneers?

March 4, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — precisiondental @ 3:32 pm
A closeup of a veneer placed on a dental tool

It’s certainly true that veneers protect the teeth they’re placed on. These porcelain shells are sturdy, so they keep a lot of bacteria and debris at bay. Even so, you may wonder: Could you still get cavities with veneers? The question is very relevant, so your Federal Way dentist is here to provide an answer. That said, here’s a primer on whether veneered teeth can get cavities and how to look after your own veneers and teeth.


A Pretty Smile’s Power: How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life

January 2, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — precisiondental @ 12:01 pm
A closeup of a woman with a truly beautiful smile

Now that it’s January, you likely want to work on your New Year’s resolutions. They’d start your 2025 on the right foot and make the next twelve months exciting! With that said, you really should look into aesthetic dental work; cosmetic dentistry can change your life! Its varied treatments would help you make major headway on common resolutions for the new year. As proof, here are four great ways cosmetic dentistry could improve your quality of life.


What in The World is This Bump on My Gums?

November 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — precisiondental @ 8:28 pm
Man examining a bump on his gums in the mirror

If you looked in your bathroom mirror to find a mysterious bump on your gums, your first thought might’ve been something like, “What in the world?” This is understandable! Out-of-place lumps can be a strange sight to see anywhere on your body, but your mouth is probably the last place you expected to find one!

Some oral bumps are concerning dental emergencies that should be promptly treated by a dentist. Others, not so much. If you want a better sense of what could be going on, keep reading.


Bitter Taste in Your Mouth? It Could Be a Dental Emergency

September 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — precisiondental @ 4:59 pm
Patient wincing from a bitter taste that may be a dental emergency

Have you ever had an unpleasant, bitter taste in your mouth that just won’t go away, no matter what you eat or drink? While it is an annoyance, it could also be your mouth’s way of signaling a dental emergency. So, while it’s tempting to believe it’s just a side effect of your lunch, persistent bitterness could be a serious problem. Continue reading to learn what a bitter taste may mean, and when you should see a dentist.
